Hinges with pivot
The door is hinged on a offset pivot with respect to the profile, so to provide a reduced opening dimensions even for large and wide recesses.
The hinges are fixed directly to the glass with flat screws
The hinges are fixed directly to the glass with flat screws.
The internal surface of the door is without obstacle and easy to clean.
The hinge allows the door to open 180
Made of aluminium, it allows the door to open 180°. It comes with a door stop function at 90°.
Structural vertical profiles
The hinges are installated directly on the vertical wall profile: it is not necessary to drill the shower tray or the base.
Thick glass
All the glasses of this collection are in 8mm thickness. A guarantee of safety and strength of the whole shower enclosure
Easy adjustment
Thanks to the innovative hinges, the shower enclosure adjustment is rather simple: the extensibility of the doors is made by acting directly on the glass, without the use of ordinary compensation profiles.
Research and care to details
The vertical profiles are designed to ensure the lowest visual impact; a curious optical illusion makes us perceive only part of the aluminium profile, giving a quite elegant image.
Smart compensation without U profile
Extensibility obtained without the extension of the wall profile, which retains its aesthetic.
Available with black rubber seals (profiles 09)
Products realized with Matt Black (09) finishes are equipped with black rubber seals
Magnetic strips
The doors closing is garanteed by the magnetic strips.
The perfect ahesion of the magnetic elements offers the best waterproof.
Custom Made (cm by cm)
Vismaravetro's shower enclosures can be customized, cm by cm. to better satisfy all the needs of any architectural situation
Product with CE marking
Product conforming to EN14428:2015 with CE marking
S.M.F. (easily mounting system)
It is a patented system combined to an innovative extensibility solution thus allowing an ideal panel positioning and at the same time avoiding the water leak.
TPA Treatment preventing limescale
Vismaravetro uses a innovative technology "TPA" for protecting the glass surfaces of shower enclosures. The glass surface is treated with a polymer which limits the adhesive properties of residues such as limescale, grease and soap deposits. The TPA treatment helps with the cleaning and removal of the lime scale deposits and residues from the glass.