Every company has to consider a fundamental aspect in the work context: safety.
Workplace illnesses occur every day and over 70 workers a week in Italy are affected by cardiac arrest in the workplace. The semi-automatic defibrillator, also known as DAE, is a device that can save lives in many cases.
Vismaravetro has decided to acquire a DAE at the headquarters of Verano Brianza (MB) and one at the headquarters of Giussano (MB).
The current legislation on Safety at Workplaces (Law 81/08) does not provide for the mandatory provision of DAEs by companies, but Vismaravetro has understood that the presence in the company of an easily accessible defibrillator, allows to effectively assist the worker suffering from sudden cardiac arrest, passing the probability of survival from less than 5% to over 50%.
It is therefore important to consider the defibrillator as a fire extinguisher or a fire extinguisher, a device of vital importance in the presence of a critical situation.
With a view to prevention at work it is useful, especially in the distance from First Aid points, to set up an DAE in the company for use by properly trained personnel.
The device is also made available for citizenship, increasing the safety of people in the area, beyond the individual Vismaravetro employees.