Een douchecabine bouwen

Discover Vismaravetro: een verhaal in 7 clips, waarin wordt uitgelegd hoe onze douchecabines gemaakt zijn en hoe we onze producten ontwerpen en uitvoeren.

Episode 5/7
The worst enemy of glass: limestone

Random FAQ

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How do you carry out the electric connection?

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Is the glass always tempered? Does it always keeps the usual features?

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Inspiration Gallery

In questo bagno dai toni caldi e dalle forme lineari Il modello CN della collezione Serie 8000 in finitura 61 acciaio spazzolato si integra per creare un ambiente nel quale rilassarsi.

In this bathroom by warm tones and linear shapes, the CN model by Serie 8000 collection in 61 brushed steel finish integrates to create an environment to get relax.


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